I Want Crazy

Hunter Hayes Encore album

I have been away for a few weeks.  As life tends to get in the way, a few things are taking up my time right now.  On top of that, I have made a promise to myself (and I hope my readers will appreciate this) not to release any content that isn’t worth the time it takes to read/watch it.  I do promise to have another LunchFit post soon.

A while back I talked a little about how your life should not be “ok”.  This should apply to every part of your life.

From time to time my family asks me to learn how to play on the guitar a song they like.  We have a wide range of musical tastes, so the last two requests have been Wanted by Hunter Hayes and Wake Me Up by Avicii.  If you don’t know who Hunter Hayes is I suggest checking out his music.  He is a very talented younger musician.  In learning more about his music I came across another song that apparently my wife likes.  It is called “I Want Crazy”.

“But I don’t want “good” and I don’t want “good enough””.

The first line of the chorus is a fitting way to look at life.  If you are not crazy about an idea don’t pursue it.  If you are not crazy about your career find a way to get to that point.  If you are not crazy about who you spend your time with then make new friends.  Life isn’t all roses.  But it doesn’t have to be all thorns either.  And it certainly shouldn’t be “ok”.

Crazy sounds pretty good to me…

LunchFit series – recovery shakes

Post workout recovery is critical to your overall nutrition and fitness gains.  Here I present two different solutions.

Announcing the LunchFit series!

Finding it hard to fit exercise into your busy schedule.  Try working it into your lunch schedule during the work week.  It is a great way to keep healthy, while boosting your productivity.